VIDEO: Nigel Farage left with eggy head after Nottingham attack

UKIP leader forced to scramble after taking a battering…

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All-round controversial figure Nigel Farage was quite literally left with egg on his face today as he arrived in Nottingham for the next leg on his Euro election tour.

A protester smashed an egg over Nigel’s shoulder the moment he exited his car, forcing him to shuffle back inside and quickly drive away.

Faragé egg

The dairing egg-wielder was instantly shoved out of the way and pursued by a mass of press. He said: “Stop making Nigel Farage out as some kind of cartoon, he is a dangerous influence on this country.

“He doesn’t represent anybody’s rights. He doesn’t represent anybody’s future, he represents the past that this country can do without.”

The protester was then protected while he held up a placard saying: “UKIP… sad, scared, old men.”

Potential Nottingham supporters were upset that they didn’t have the chance to hear his policies.

“They wouldn’t give him a chance to speak,” said one supporter.

“I’d vote for him. I do think people have a right to protest at these things, in the right place, but they didn’t even let him speak. Mr Farage just came out of the car and straight away they threw something at him.”

Egg all over this lovely barnet? You must be yolking

Jane Marshall, 65, from Mapperly said there was too much media attention on the attack and not enough on the policies.

She added: “I support UKIP because we want our country back and we want freedom to be able to say things and help our businesses.”

Student Joe Fisher, who also got into an argument with a UKIP supporter, said the egger should be given a medal.

“This is the best British politics gets,” said trainee barrister Jack Musker, 23.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall…

The drama comes just a day after Farage turned down the chance to run in the Newark by-election. For students who live in the hallowed bubble, Newark is quite close to us.

Farage ruled out running for the seat, saying he knew nothing about the East Midlands and that standing for election would have seemed “opportunistic”.

Former Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott, who was egged in June 2007, was among several Labour and Conservative politicians to accuse Farage of “bottling it”. Maybe he cracked under the pressure?