Why interrailing is just like Nottingham

Can’t go away this summer? Don’t worry, Nottingham is basically the same thing

It’s getting to that time of the holidays when your newsfeed is suddenly filled with people excitedly claiming that they’ve booked their interrailing passes. Great, I’m happy for you.

EVERYONE is having a cooler summer than you and face it, you’re getting jealous.

You plan on spending your holidays sweltering in the rather oppressive British mugginess… desperately applying for internships with the most exciting occurrence of your day being when you swatted a daddy-long-legs with one hand.

But instead of wiling away the hours wishing you were there, take a moment to realise that interrailing is actually just a glorified version of your beloved Nottingham.

1. You can row a boat on a lake.

2. Everyone wears hipster rucksacks

3. There’s lots of modern architecture but you’re not really sure why…

4. You can visit a castle

5. You can get pissed

6.You can have a fancy summery drink

7. It rains all the time.

8. You can climb lots of hills