Tab Tries: Holi on the Downs
One massive stretch of grass. Two very clean Tab writers. 3000kg of rainbow powder.
Do you feature in our coverage of Notts’ rainbow race?
This was Holi On The Downs 2014 organised by NHSF Nottingham Hindu Society and we were pretty pumped.
With NHSF Nottingham’s (National Hindu Students Forum Nottingham) reputation for pulling off spectacular events like Kangna and The Diwali Ball earlier in the year we expected big things from Holi On The Downs. Meeting a group of colourful smiley students who’d already experienced the powder mayhem it looked like we were in for a treat.
Armed with red powder, obviously. TAB YEAH.
Then things got serious, paint running out we refuelled for a mere £1 and prepared for all out war.
Vicious. Luckily we made up in time to take this artsy pic. This was going straight on Instagram #nofilter.
Might as well go for a retro converse pic too, it would be rude not to.
A few selfies in, and several powder-in-nose-in-earlobe-in- mouth incidents later, we definitely approved of Holi 2014.
It seemed Holi goers were not disappointed either. We spoke to a few who were really pleased with the day rating it “8/10” and “Epic”.
A pair of students we spoke to, Victoria and Hannah, praised the event for being “well organised and good fun”.
With special moments like the countdown powder throw and a pretty niffy overhead camera we weren’t surprised at the rave reviews.
Did we mention the Conga line?
And it was a MASSIVE one at that. With approximately 4.4 thousand of you flocking to downs through out the day energy was high…
Yes. Of course we joined in.
There were smiles all round.
It turned out Holi wasn’t just about chucking loads of green powder in your mates mouth.
We were informed it’s about ‘allowing people to express freedom and welcome colour in their everyday lives. In society, we often divide ourselves into different groups and sections but on the day of Holi, everyone is one.’
We couldn’t resist a mooch around to find the best powder covered revellers, the competition was perliously stiff. Did you make our final cut?
After inhaling half the world’s supply of coloured powder, a lot of questionable dance moves and a pair of sunglass lines later it was time to say goodbye to Holi 2014. We came. We saw. We covered (each other). It was awesome.
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