DIY Beauty: Exam Revival
Exams taking time away from your beauty regimen? The Tab has got you covered with the best beauty tips right from your kitchen.
It’s Monday and you have a week of partying ahead and an empty bank account.
The stress of exams and continuous all-nighters has wreaked havoc on your hair and skin, yet you have no money to buy an array of nameless beauty products that can correct this problem.
Well, have no fear, The Tab is here to show you that you can create beauty products from items you already have in your fridge.
Luscious Locks
You’ve had no time to leave the library let alone attempt to control the frizz that was formally your hair.
Try this hair mask to rejuvenate your tresses, ready for your big night out at the end of exams.
Step One:
Pour two tablespoons of Olive Oil into a bowl.
Step Two:
Crack two eggs into the bowl and stir the mixture together
Step Three:
Pour mixture on to your hair, smoothing it in like you would a conditioner, and let it set for 30 minutes. Wash out, dry and reveal your silky tresses.
Sugary Scrub
Exams are the enemy of the skin, where the stress and late nights causes breakouts and dry skin. Use this natural scrub to exfoliate it all away, leaving you with fresh, glowing skin.
Step One:
Make yourself a mug of green tea, half of it with boiling water, the other half with cold water.
Step Two:
Pour half the drink into a bowl and add honey until the mixture becomes gloopy.
Step Three:
Add half a cup of sugar and then stir, do not let the sugar sink to the bottom of the bowl.
Repeat process until the sugar granules are visible in the mixture.
Step Four:
Scrub the mixture on to your face in circular motions, rinse with water and pat dry. Viola! Glowing, fresh skin.
Natural Lip Stain
Lip stains are perfect for nights out as they don’t need to be re-applied as frequently as lipsticks, and give a natural colour to your lips.
Tip if you’re going to try this one at home, make sure you like beetroot as whilst the end product is great, the smell might make you unpopular with your housemates.
Step One:
Buy a packet of beetroot, drain liquid into a bowl and cut up one half of one piece of beetroot.
Step Two:
Mash pieces into liquid or blend with a blender.
Step Three:
Apply on to your lips with your forefinger and let the colour set. Add lemon juice cover to keep in the fridge for up to six weeks.