Council dish dirt on Dodgy Derby dishes

Derby halls receives lowest hygiene rating on campus

Derby hall has let down the university by becoming the worst ranked accommodation in new city wide hygiene rankings.

Nottingham City Council released the results, which can be found on an interactive map courtesy of the Nottingham post.

As the map reveals, all of UoN’s eating establishments except for Derby achieved either four or five stars, displaying good or excellent standards of food hygiene.

Derby Hall received a questionable three out of five stars, proving even grimier than Stealth – which scored a four rating.

Bugs found last year in Cavendish halls food, which was ranked higher than Derby

Catering at Notts has proved a contentious issue in recent years with everything from creepy crawleys to items resembling human ears being found in the food.

Third year management student Ben said: “It’s things like this that make me glad I was self-catered, I may not be crazy clean, but at least my kitchen is cleaner than the pavement outside Stealth.”

Standards were also slipping at the newly finished Orchard hotel, tucked away at the back of campus. Although not run by the uni, the two year old hotel also received a less than impressive three in the ratings.

Derby Hall, home to bang average food hygiene standards

According to the Food Standards Agency, the checks involve tests on:

  • how hygienically the food is handled – how it is prepared, cooked, re-heated, cooled and stored
  • the condition of the structure of the buildings – the cleanliness, layout, lighting, ventilation and other facilities
  • how the business manages what it does to make sure food is safe and so that the officer can be confident standards will be maintained in the future

Meaning that for any business to achieve only a three, it needs to be lacking across all three areas.

The news came as no surprise to ex-Derby resident, Elliot. He said: “It was a pretty good hall for parties, but the food has always been awful, in my freshers they served pork as turkey and one girl even found a spider in her food, don’t think it was properly reported though.”

At the time of publishing, neither the University or Orchard Hotel could be reached for comment.