34DDs: New double decker 34 buses

Nottingham City Transport upgrade 34 bus service between campus and the city centre

The previously single deck buses are being given another floor to cater for the huge number of students who use the service.

President of the Student Union Harry Copson has expressed appreciation for the new 34DDs.

He said: “Thousands of students rely on the 34 to get them in and around the city and the university every day, so the additional space and comfort from the double decks will benefit them hugely.”

Copson is clearly delighted that he might actually get a seat on the 34.

He added: “I wanted to say personally how happy we are that Nottingham City Transport is implementing this change.”

Copson is delighted with NCT’s new fleet

NCT Marketing Manager, Antony Carver-Smith commented on the reasoning behind the upgrade. He said: “It soon became apparent last year that the 34 is the preferred service for most staff and students.”

“It is largely due to the fact that it’s very regular, reliable and includes safer, more convenient stops on campus – but also it has the added bonus of free Wi-Fi on board.”

Lenton residents will no doubt already be aware of how popular the service is, which runs every 5 minutes during weekdays.

The single deck 34 is no more

The change has been a long time coming for many long suffering Lenton residents.

Second year Economics student Rob said: “This upgrade has been needed for a long time, the buses are always super busy. I would actually consider buying a year pass now, it seems more value for money.”

Students living in Lenton develop 34 bus tactics early on in the first semester as they quickly learn that buses will drive past you at 8.45am if you are standing outside Sainsbury’s.

Hopefully, this will put an end to the daily 34 bus struggle.