Meet the Trent hottie who’s all over London Fashion Week

And he’s surprisingly modest

It’s not easy juggling being a model of the moment with a Product Design degree, as student Chris Wells found out.

After being scouted by Model Students this time last year, Trent student Chris put his all into making it in the cut throat modelling world – but it came at a price.

The Derbyshire hunk is resitting his second year after his modelling career took over- and he’d do it all again if it meant hitting the big time.

“I got scouted last year and I spent a lot of time modelling because it was all new and exciting. I couldn’t afford to say no to anything”, he said.

“In this industry if you want something you can’t turn it down, whereas now I’m with agencies there’s a bit of leeway.

“The fact they know you have experience makes you more respected in a way. And hopefully with London Fashion Week under my belt things will snowball from here.

“I definitely want to finish my degree but let’s say if I got a contract for a year in Milan I would take it in a second.

“It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity – you don’t stay young forever.

“If the doors keep opening I’m going to keep taking them. I can do uni any time.”

We even showed down to earth Chris how to use the Tube

And now, one year on, he’s on three top agency’s books and he’s just opened for Adnan Bayyat at London Fashion Week.

“It was really exciting. It was very daunting to start with, and 30 seconds before I was about to go on I found out I was the one opening the show.

“I was like ‘Oh crap, I’m the first one out’ and I was dressed as a majestic peacock.

“I had tail feathers that I had to push and turn myself into this majestic peacock. There are photos I’m sure will probably go viral.

“I walked for Adnan Bayyat in which one outfit I wore I was told I looked like a Scottish Super Mario.

It’s-a-me, Scottish Mario

“I also walked for Jeetinder Sanhu where I wore an Indian style jumpsuit which was really cool.”

There is still a stigma attached to the model stereotype, and Chris avoids telling people straight away.

“Instantly people will put a stereotype on me but I’m one of the most chilled out people in terms of the arrogance people tie to modelling.

“Yeah it’s a job, its a really good and exciting job, but it is a job essentially.

“I try and make a point of if someone asks me what I do I don’t bring it up, unless the person I’m talking to brings it up and says ‘oh you’re a model’ then I will say ‘yeah I am.’

“I would never start a conversation with saying up front ‘I’m a model.'”

A few people mock Chris for what he does, but his friends and family have all been really supportive.

“I’ve come across a few guys that have not exactly been intimidated, but have tried to mock me a little bit like ‘ohh you put makeup on’ and I’m just like ‘yes I do, there’s bright lights, that’s how its done.’

“Usually people try and make jokes about it and try and wind me up, but it just doesn’t bother me at all.

“So far all the other models I’ve met are an absolute laugh – every single one of them.

“There’s no one whose head can’t fit through the door. Everyone’s down to earth and to be honest that’s more often than not.

“I’d probably say that in one out of the four catwalks I’ve done has there been only been one person that fits the perfect model stereotype, but so far I’ve had the chance to work with really nice people.”

It does help him with the ladies though.

“If they find out I’m a model it changes their perception a little bit. It makes them more keen, I don’t know why. I think it definitely helps.”