LinkedIn likes Nottingham graduates
LinkedIn has viewed your profile and has endorsed us all for a decent job.
Nottingham University once again dominates in a ranking of universities.
We are apparently the most employable graduates in the UK and LinkedIn have proven that our alumni do actually get decent jobs.
LinkedIn have ranked universities around the world based on the career outcomes of graduates.
Using the information that every humble-bragging graduate likes to broadcast on the professional social network, LinkedIn have figured out what the desirable jobs are within various sectors and which graduates get them.
Navneet Kapur from LinkedIn said: “More than ever, students go to college because they want to get job — good jobs. To that end, students and parents want to know which schools give them the best chance at getting a desirable job after graduation.”
Nottingham comes in the top 10 for all but one of the five career categories LinkedIn have analysed in the UK.
Unsurprisingly with such a fine media establishment such as The Tab existing at UoN, we came third for media professionals.
Our alumni are real media big dogs who work at BBC, Sky, CNN and YouTube. Hannah Tallet who graduated from Nottingham in 2003 with BA Politics is now a presenter on Sky News.
So there is hope for us all then.
We are overachievers in other areas too, coming sixth for accounting, eighth for investment bankers but twelfth for finance.
We came joint ninth with UCL for marketers with the top employers being Unilever, Tesco and Nestle.