URN’s dance moves are only fit for radio

Maybe some people should stay in the basement of Portland


A new cringey video posted by our Uni radio station proves that they’re far better off behind the mic…seated. 

University Radio Nottingham’s latest production includes a catalogue of dance moves that would look out of place even in the cheesiest nightclub imaginable.

The video, posted on URN’s facebook page, surely rivals last year’s memorable rendition of Naughty Boy’s La La by Loughborough Student Union.

This guy doesn’t look too impressed…well why would he be?

OK, so we didn’t get any singing or cheesy lyrics this time, but some of the dancing by members of URN to Taylor Swift’s latest hit ‘Shake it off’, are perhaps just as tragic.

Worse still is the fact that they got a number of unassuming freshers in on the act, clearly yet to learn of the online shame that ensues from such tomfoolery.

About 5 years behind on the awkward whale. It’s no longer funny, just plain awkward.

One particular chap, who crops up one too many times for comfort, seemed not to mind approaching the general public for an awkward boogie.

Often he utilises the classic porridge stir move, one of his many terrific moves.

Second year student Nikhil Seedher was almost approached by the needy bunch around the Trent building.

He said, “I thought it best to steer clear. I don’t understand why we allow such antics to take place on our beloved Uni Park, let alone be recorded.”

So far then, on what has become a quest to see which university will go the furthest for a cheap laugh, Loughborough recreated a song – badly. Nottingham coerced others into dancing like morons.

I guess it begs the question, who’s up next? We’ll be waiting.

The whole sorry ordeal can be watched below:
