‘I’m very good at netball’: The best of JCR election campaigns

People will do anything to get your vote

From the downright inspiring to some completely awful paint jobs, some JCR hopefuls will do anything to get your vote.

Here are some of the best, and worst, so far from Cavendish, Nightingale and Sherwood.

Simplicity actually makes this male somewhat appealing for the role of VP.

Even though the film reference does not quite make sense, whoever can squeeze two films into one bit of artwork deserves a vote.

This one is perfect. It treads the line between serious and funny real gracefully – even though young Michael is staring a bit too longingly into your eyes.

Determined, caring, charismatic and inspirational. Faiyaz has covered all bases here.

With a CV to rival four idolised leaders, the mysterious Faiyaz could be the next president. Shame he could do with a better hashtag.

This isn’t even on the funny side of bad. Its just awful. With zero redeeming qualities, even for a word art job, it is poor.

If you’re going to do a shit paint job for your poster, don’t apologize for it. That won’t win any votes. Take pride in your lack of photoshop.

Even if you do win, I don’t want to be best friends with you.

This is JCR elections – a vote for you is a vote for you. How is anyone supposed to trust you with their JCR.

‘One Love’? ‘Pretty good at netball’?  Fuck off PDR.

Roby knows how to win votes. He doesn’t fuck around; he gives the people what they want – let’s just hope he follows through.

What a pun. He took a risk with the wordplay and it definitely paid off. Hat tip to Harry.

Lastly, anyone whose vote for me status gets more likes than a public service announcement about toenail clippings is worth a punt.