Hold the front page: Rutland is officially the worst halls on campus

No one is surprised


Dejected Rutlanders have unsurprisingly had their halls voted the worst on campus.

In a move that has shocked just as many people as when Gatecrasher was voted the worst club, the students of Nottingham have spoken and Rutland Hall has been voted the worst accommodation.

With its chode-like library tower standing proudly at the arse-end of the downs, this pockmark on the face of campus won nearly a third of the votes.

Rutland saw off competition from 19 rivals to take the shit covered crown.

Matt, a third year and someone that has walked past Rutland before, told the Tab: “It’s definitely the worst hall in Nottingham, you don’t even need to go in it to tell that.”

With a measly 10% of the public vote, farm based weirdos Sutton Bonington took a distant second place, proving that more people would rather live in the middle of fucking nowhere than be a Rutland Ranger.

The second worst halls in Nottingham / Leicestershire

On the opposite end of the spectrum, the least shit halls according to the scholars of our fair institution, with only seven votes, was Flo Blo. Proving that when it comes to accommodation, being completely out of the way and not interesting enough to bother anyone is the way to succeed.

See the full results below: