‘I thought a plane crashed into my house’: Nottingham rocked by earthquake

Cue fart jokes

An earthquake has shaken Nottingham this evening.

Tremors were felt as the earth moved ever so slightly – we think.

Locals from Mansfield and surrounding areas took to Twitter tonight to question whether the shaking tremors they felt were in fact the earth moving.

People felt the ground beneath them shudder in Bestwood village, near Hucknall. Nowhere near Lenton. One little boy was really scared in bed.

Everyone else was a little dramatic.

Don’t worry, if cracks appear you can’t blame an act of God.

Maybe call the landlord

The Tab’s tectonic correspondent Chris Milner said: “Sometimes we experience microquakes, teeny little earthquakes. they can be caused anything from a fat person getting out the bath to a big cow falling over.”

The earthquake is believed to have occurred 11km West of Nottingham and was, like most girls in Forum, a solid 3 on the scale.

The Tab advises all concerned citizens to hide under stuff and pray for forgiveness should another quake strike.