SU says Cavendish chant ‘casts a shadow’ over WeekOne

SU responds after Cavendish Chant investigation

The Students’ Union has today released a statement condemning what they call “an ingrained cultural issue within our Week One programme” following necrophiliac chants in freshers’ week.

The statement, co-signed by all SU officers, aims to point out that most of the work done by the SU is beneficial to students.

He says officers resolve to “not allow all of the positive activity that goes on at Nottingham to be overshadowed by negativity”.

Harry Copson announced the investigation after the incident was covered by national press

The statement, which comes over a month after the controversial footage was relased, showing WeekOne reps encouraging chanting about necrophilia.

The long awaited statement confirmed that reps that were proven to be involved were disciplined by the SU and are also subject to a separate University disciplinary procedure.

They have also been removed from any SU positions for the rest of the academic year.

WeekOne reps in Cavendish were fined £150 for their involvement in the chants

The statement added: “We recognise that there are parts of our student population that may engage in behaviour considered to be discriminatory…

“We would encourage all of us to think about how our activity may affect or appear to affect those around us, both positively and negatively.”

UoN feminists have told the Tab that a full statement will be released in due course.