Karren Brady is making her fresher daughter get a loan and a Saturday job

She’s at Nottingham

The daughter of The Apprentice star Karren Brady will have to fund her studies at Nottingham herself.

Fresher Sophia Peschisolido, who was dropped off by mum Baroness Kazza on her first day at university, won’t be receiving any special treatment.

A hallmate of Sophia’s said: “She seems quite a determined girl who goes about uni the same as most people here at Nottingham. It’s not as if she has a chip on her shoulder just because of who her mother is.

“The money thing doesn’t seem to bother her, she still goes out and enjoys herself just as much as anyone else.”

In a recent interview with the Sunday Times, the current Vice Chairman of West Ham United revealed how daughter Sophia will be funding her own studies and paying off her living expenses with a student loan.

Brady said: “I did not want to take away from her the feeling that she was investing in herself and her future.”

Sophia’s dad is a bit famous too. Paul Peschisolido played football for Birmingham, Stoke and Fulham.

He now manages the Canadian football team.