Can we guess what music you listen to from your outfit?
We tried.
Anything can determine our personal style. From a feeling, an event and even music.
We took a walk around campus and tried to guess what music Nottingham students were into based just on what they were wearing.
Here’s our verdict
It was Jia-Long’s snake tooth necklace that caught our eye. Coupled with a V neck T-shirt, this look screamed hip-hop casual to us.
We weren’t wrong, Jia-Long’s favourite night is Fuck Hip-hop.
Admittedly who doesn’t love a cheeky Tuesday night at Market Bar?
It was the oversized denim jacket, a staple item of the house scene that gave Miles away on Campus.
Miles’ favourite night out in Nottingham is the extremely popular student house night at the Lacehouse on a Tuesday night..yes that’s right ‘The Bakery’.
Paola’s chunky gold necklace teamed with that LBD and platform boots screams RnB Queen.
Once again we were right. Paola can be found doing her thing in BCL on a Wednesday night.
It was David’s Hollister t-shirt that told us that this boy loves a bit of cheese.
Surprise surprise, David’s favourite night out is the cheesiest of them all, Ocean Friday.
Don’t worry David, you share this guilty pleasure with 90% of Nottingham’s students.
Lucy’s sporty casual look was slightly more difficult to predict but we had the right idea. The colourful trainers, black leggings and casual high top bun is definitely techno- tactic.
Lucy says that minimal techno is her favourite and whilst Nottingham doesn’t really have many techno nights, Fairlight is one of her favourites.
Aaron’s checked shirt screams indie idol. Our first guess was correct, Aaron’s favourite music is acoustic rock and indie and his favourite night is crisis at rock city
It was the tribal tone jacket and colourful trainers that gave Sophie away, at one glance we could tell that this girl likes a good house night and we weren’t wrong! Sophie’s favourite nights are CMYK and faded.