Tickets and drinks are too spenny, I am fed up of being ripped off

Ticket prices are 40% higher in Notts

It is increasingly more expensive to go on a student night out. We spend over the odds to get entry and once you’re in, drink prices aren’t easy to contend with.

I am struggling to find the money to get a bit more than tipsy after rent, food and bills disappear from my account.

The saying goes that the further north you go from Watford, the cheaper everything gets. Why else did you avoid London?

But students are shocked with how much Nottingham’s night life is beginning to charge.

Peter, a third year English student, said: “Considering the expected demand for university night outs, it is unfortunate that there seems to be a lack of empathy towards students who want to enhance their university experience but are put off by increasing prices for a night out.

“Especially when non SU affiliated nights can be as little as £2. Even though that was for gold teeth this Thursday which I thought was shocking.”

Looking at ticket prices in the surrounding areas and comparing them, one question arises; are Nottingham students being ripped off?

Nottingham club managers need to take note that students are starting to question how much value for money they are getting from nights out, including that booking fee.

“I hate the fact that you have to buy tickets in advance…above £7, why?” said Calven, third year Architecture & Environmental design.

The graph below illustrates that Nottingham students are often paying 40% more for their entry and tickets in comparison to other areas.

Natalie Baker, a third year student studying Pyschology at University of Birmingham, said: “Birmingham looks after its students really well. The student nights are normally at least half the price of non-student event.

“I was actually shocked that Nottingham doesn’t do the same”

Ticket shortages make the problem even worse. The struggle for overpriced tickets is clear on Facebook pages such as Buy/Sell tickets (Notts uni).

Students themselves are ripping off other students and paying even more for a ticket as the nights sell out.

Andy Hoe said last month some have been selling Ocean tickets at almost double what they originally paid.

One student complained about having to buy tickets so far in advance and having to arrive at clubs at ridiculously early times.

“It’s more convenient to buy on the door when you actually want to go out rather than when the ticket says – who wants to go out at 9.30 anyway?” said Ashley, 2nd year, Electrical Engineering.

Nicole, 3rd year Economics, added: “You have to buy the tickets crazily early or you have to pay even more on the Facebook page, to then be locked into a time slot, to then take the gamble on whether how much you paid is even worth it.

“Student nights have lost its spontaneity that often make the best nights, I am tempted to start going on local nights out in Nottingham on a Friday where you don’t pay entry.”

I remember thinking that £5 was a bit steep back in first year. Now I feel that the pub sounds like a better shout these days.