BNOC of the Year: Nominations are open

Who will be crowned Nottingham’s BNOC for 2015?

The next BNOC of the year is lurking out there somewhere. They could even be sitting next to you as you read this article.

Be they the captain of your sport’s team, the person who hosts the best club night, or simply that person who is out every single night, we want you to nominate them.

What makes a BNOC?

1. DISGUSTING LEVELS OF POPULARITY– as the acronym suggests, they needs to be someone everyone knows. Whether they’re walking up Portland Hill, in the gym, or getting the jagers in at Crisis, everyone around them knows who they are. Or at the very least has Facebook stalked them. Anonymity is not a concept BNOCs are familiar with.

2. THEY’RE THAT GUY or GIRL– you may never have met the person, but their name is constantly associated with a certain function or purpose within the university community. For example “you know the X guy? The guy who is always at Y with X! X Guy!”

3.  INEFFABLE UBIQUITY- neither you nor anyone you know has ever actually met this person directly, nor do you know what their purpose or function within the university actually is, but you all know their name anyway.

We will Photoshop this onto your profile picture if you win


If you instantly thought of a name while reading this list, then tell us about them.

Send us a paragraph of three or four lines to nominate your Big Name on Campus. They can thank you later.

You can contact us by emailing, by commenting below, or through Facebook or Twitter.