Screwed over: Fresher finds inch long metal screw in his hall dinner

They didn’t quite nail it

It was supposed to be a mildly spiced Thai chicken dinner to end a long term of work.

So imagine the horror for one hapless fresher who found an inch long metal screw in his dinner in the latest hall food fiasco after last year’s grubgate.

In a haunting echo of when Kel put the screw in the tuna, first year Joe Bradshaw, 19, was horrified at the discovery in Lenton and Wortley hall.

He said: “Obviously I had to compose myself, as I was in absolute shock.”

The unfortunate find was swiftly taken up by other Lenton and Wortley residents as a comedy opportunity, placing photos of it on Facebook and mocking the hall’s catering abilities.

Shocked Joe added: “As I found the screw, it was apparent I had to report it to someone in halls, so of course I did.”

An interesting mealtime discovery

Philosophy student Joe made the discovery at the end of last term before the Easter break.

It appears this isn’t the only occasion where Halls catering services have had to answer for inedible items in their meals either.

A metal screw makes an interesting new addition to the list as last year The Tab reported on three incidents in Cavendish Hall where various insects were found in the food.

In December 2013, a live snail on a piece of rocket was served up, and again in April pictures of a winged insect crushed into another Cavendish meal emerged.

Disgusted Lenton residents

A comment from the staff at Lenton and Wortley is still pending.

Dr Dinsdale, a food safety expert, said: “There’s something not quite right here.

“The screw has peculiar rounded head, it’s not your normal screw. If it was eaten, it would be unlikely to get past the throat. If someone bit on it they’d damage the teeth.

“It would do some significant damage if swallowed. The length is right for it to get caught and it would probably help the laceration side of things. It’s rather sharp.”