BNOC of the year: Heat 5
The final heat of this popularity game
Tom Bottomley
Winner of student of the month, Tom is the nerdiest cool kid. You’ll want to hate him but friends and girlfriend have found it impossible.
This rugby player co-organised Robin Hood 7s, is General Secretary for History Society, sorted a free food festival through We are Nottingham, all while maintaining a strong first and being an all around nice guy.
David Garner
We break news and make people famous, world famous even. David Garner appeared in The Mirror and Huffington Post for his politics prediction and has been flocked by hunnies ever since.
He even gets special shout outs from professors he’s that well known.
Yolanda King
Recently named Sportswoman of the year Yolanda is familiar for her bright yellow VOTE KING Sports Officer campaign, she is a Table Tennis National Champion having represented England on many occasions.
Whether you’ve seen her face on the Nottingham Hollywood sign or regularly in BCL, Yolanda King is known by anyone who’s anyone.
Katherine ‘Karni’ Koranteng
She hasn’t missed a single Ocean Friday all year, is fit as fuck, and the fliest bitch in all the land. Known for her tunes on a Tuesday and flawless weave, this girl is the best and will apparently always be the number 1 queen.
Gary Lau
Gary, middle
Gary said: “Four heats/articles up and my name ain’t up, what is this lol?
“If you don’t know me yet, I am quite a big name on ekho, as well the first and the only person to be featured on ekho so far. My unexpected ekho trend has made me an accidental BNOC.
“I get stupid amounts of recognition everytime I go out, especially to places like Crisis/Ink/house parties, and the guys at Ink made me a rep there just because of my ekho status.
“My hair makes me easy to recognise by the public and i get my name posted on ekho everytime I go to lectures/portland/around campus.”
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