Distraught second year’s two grand wheelchair stolen at Lenton house party
He won’t be able to get around uni without it
A disabled Politics undergrad has been left housebound after his wheelchair worth over £2,500 was stolen from a house party just off Derby Road.
Jonathan Priestley, who’s in second year, was attending a house party on Rolleston Drive with his friends where the incident occurred.
He said: “I’m in shock and disbelief, this has never happened before.
“To be honest I just want to get the chair back, I don’t really care about who did it.
“People do stupid things when they’re drunk and hopefully they will wake up this morning and realise what they have done.”
Friend Lewis comes to his mate’s aid
Around 3am when the boys left the party, they noticed that Jonathan’s wheelchair was missing from the top of the stairs to the garden.
It had only been sitting there a few hours and with around 150 people also in attendance, wasn’t out of sight for long.
Jonathan and Lewis in happier times
The Notts student was able to get a taxi home with his friends and it wasn’t until the next morning that the seriousness of the situation sunk in.
Jonathan suffered a spinal injury when he was six months old resulting in a condition called Transverse Myelitis and has needed a wheelchair all his life.
The second year is dependent on his wheelchair to get around uni and will be unable to attend lectures until it’s returned.
Living the high life
A new wheelchair would cost Jonathan £2,700 and he is waiting until Monday to report the crime to the police, hoping community spirit will prevail.
If you know anything about this incident or have any information at all please contact the police or Jonathan directly.