Don’t wait till you’ve left to realise how great Nottingham is
I miss the Geese
Nottingham is a beautiful place. A sea of green in a dire ocean of grey. You never forget how amazed by it all you were when you first stepped foot on uni park. But two and a bit years down the line, it loses it’s magic. You forget about what made you fall in love with it in the first place, and like a relationship over three years long with someone you’re not sure about any more, it seems dull. But then you go on your year abroad, graduation starts looming and you realise it seem like it’s the right time to get sentimental about being at Nottingham.
Our campus is a 10/10. We take for granted our walks through the Trent Building and views of the Lake as we rush to 9am lectures. But what we have is some beautiful scenery. You won’t be getting those views from your grad scheme office desk.
The fast and cheap taxi services Nottingham offers make getting around and going on nights out a breeze. Being able to arrive home from a night out within a 10 minutes time slot (barring the stop off for a Maccies) saves us a timely journey home and a very long walk after a night out. Try getting home from East to West London for £2 each. The proximity of our campus/Lenton to the city centre is a blessing.
Man’s Gourmet. This gem in the upstairs quarters of Portland has been prey to us all on a hangover or post-lecture binge. The £5.10 lunch menus have eaten away both our pre-loaded student cards and our wallets, but when you’re struggling to spend less than eight quid in London or get something vaguely edible in a foreign country, you’ll miss it.
From all sides of the country, the friends you’ve made will be sorely missed when you leave. So indulge in every walk across the road in your PJ’s and slippers to see your mates, because soon it could be a three hour train ride, or a seven hour plane until you get to see them.
Within a small radius of the city centre, Nottingham boasts an eclectic music scene. From Reggae nights at Spanky’s to Ed Sheeran at the Capital FM arena, Notts has it all.
No Tomorrow is incredible. No long drives on a perpetual hangover, lugging baggage or attempt to sneak in alcohol to last you the weekend- just some pre-drinks and a stroll across road is all that awaits at this summer festival.
So love, cherish and respect what makes Nottingham great. You don’t know what you’ve got until you’ve graduated.