Nottingham is the most environmentally friendly campus in the world
Bare green
The University of Nottingham has been named as the most environmentally friendly campus in the world for the fourth time.
Notts came on top in the University of Indonesia’s Green-metric Ranking of World Universities, a study that takes 62 categories into account including waste management and energy consumption.
It’s hard to believe that with the amount of electricity that must be used to accommodate thousands of students, charge millions of devices and chill hundreds of Red Stripes, that we’ve come out on top once again. However what the university does for keeping a green environment ranges from the most ambitious projects to the smallest details. Out of 400 universities we’ve came out on top again.
Sacrificing comfort for the sake of the planet
When most halls are solar panelled and estate cars are fully electric it’s not really a surprise Uni Park is rated so highly. If campus wasn’t lush enough we are also sustainable and green, a total win/win situation. When halls are a million degrees you’d think we’d be chinning through the energy, but when we’re the best in the world it doesn’t make you feel as guilty leaving your window open all day in the middle of January.
They’re silent af
Andrew Nolan, Director of Sustainability stated in an interview, “Our continued efforts to maintain our ranking deliver real benefits for both our staff, students and the industries we work with”. With the millions of fag ends discarded around Hallward, the estates staff really deserve more praise for the environmental efforts the uni succeeds in.
Like anyone actually uses these properly
Nottingham has all round been smashing it in the top lists, we’ve recently been named 5th best student city in the UK, and had one of our clubs been voted 4th worst, can’t win them all I guess.