Asthma boy: The real story behind the medic’s attack at Crisis

‘His account had more holes than a block of Leerdammer cheese’


Last week, a third year medic revealed how he suffered an asthma attack in the Crisis queue before being kicked out by an apathetic bouncer. 

Ed Jackson says he endured abuse from bystanders as he knelt down struggling to breath, and called into question the level of medical training of Rock City’s bouncers, who he claims were unable to tell the difference between a vomiting drunk and someone suffering from a mild asthma attack.

Carpe Noctum received a public shaming from Ed on the buy/sell ticket thread, generating a lot of sympathy, which he used to bag himself free tickets to Ocean. Despite receiving and accepting an apology from Andrew Smith, managing director of Carpe Noctum, the medic took to buy/sell again to further humiliate the company.

Ed outside Ocean

But Ed’s actions are now being called into question after holes began to appear in his version of events and a “narcissistic” second post on Facebook. Messages from Ed to Andy Hoe reveal that he believed Andrew Smith was “decent and understanding”, however this did not stop him devising a post that he believed would have the most effect and get the most likes.

Ed gave The Tab an account of the incident which was incoherent at times and had differences from the one given to Carpe Noctum. He admitted to being slightly shady on some details and requested a “drunk/traumatic memory disclaimer”.

The third year, who got to the Crisis queue just after 10pm, said: “After around 30 minutes in the queue my chest gradually started hurting and after five minutes of it getting worse and escalating breathlessness I told my mate I was gonna take a break outside the queue.

“I knelt down literally under the nose of a bouncer who didn’t even blink. I fairly rapidly deteriorated to the point at which I was in serious pain and struggling to breath. Loads of people in the queue started hurling abuse assuming I was going to be sick.

“I told the bouncer as best I could I wasn’t that drunk but thought I was having an asthma attack but he showed no interest. I’m 99 per cent sure he never directly acknowledged what I was saying, he just did the classic bouncer speak to the hand thing and just blanked me.

“After about 10 minutes I appeared to have recovered so tried to rejoin my friend in the queue. The same bouncer who had seen me leave after the attack prevented me and told me to rejoin the back of the queue. On route home I recognised a second attack was imminent and stopped 50m up the hill. A second more severe attack ensued prompting my friend to call an ambulance on my request.

“To keep warm, we presumed the cold was the primary precipitating factor of the attacks, we rejoined the queue until fortunately I made a complete recovery within around 20 minutes. We cancelled the ambulance after deciding it was no longer needed. Then because we were drunk and not thinking totally straight, and nearly halfway up the queue, we decided to stay in it to try and get in. The queue was getting properly rowdy now with some very unpleasant characters causing trouble.

“The bouncers didn’t really have tabs on it, people were spewing off the pavement into the road at which point bouncers would kick them out the queue. Eventually this happened to us. Naturally it was the same bouncer who had done jack all to help me earlier who finished our night.”

Ed turned his unfortunate situation around by contacting Andy Hoe and arranging free tickets for himself and eight friends. He gave the concerned public an update and was unhappy at how he was treated by Carpe Noctum.

Ed said: “They appear to have a rigorous complaints procedure that they have actioned and he is sending me the findings when it is done. I wasn’t happy with his tone, he was cheeky enough to bring up whether I thought I had neglected my own responsibility to look after my health. I got quite angry for me.”

Andrew Smith apologised to Ed and spoke to him on the phone after a suitable meeting time could not be arranged, believing to have resolved the matter, so was disappointed to see the updated post last Friday night.

Speaking to The Tab, Andrew said: “We respond to all complaints, comments and suggestions. Customers need not post publically on a page to receive a response and I’m sure anyone who has contacted us in the past regarding a complaint would hopefully say they were dealt with promptly and with the appropriate level of care and compensation.

“I couldn’t understand how this would happen while I essentially stood where this was alleged to have taken place. It transpires that’s because it basically wasn’t true. On Friday morning I got to speak to Ed so he could convey his account, which frankly had more holes in it than a block of Leerdammer cheese.

Andrew Smith, managing director of Carpe Noctum

“His version was that he and his friends arrived at the paying queue for about 10pm. They waited approximately 30 to 40mins in the queue, during which time he felt a tightness in his chest and he decided to leave the queue. He crouched down about five yards away from the crowd,  next to a member of security apparently, which isn’t confirmed on our side. It unfortunately hasn’t got camera coverage so we cannot say if this was the case but I am happy to give him the benefit of the doubt.

“What we do know is only 10 yards away there was a club medic and ambulance who were selflessly helping a homeless guy at the time. Mr Jackson did not ask security nor medical staff for any help. He did not approach the ambulance and medical team that was less than 10 yards from where he claims he was stood. His friends had seemingly left him on his own too. Perhaps exercising their own judgement about whether he was in genuine need or seeking attention.

“Ed joined the back of the queue but after another 30 to 40 minutes he began to feel the same pains and tightness in his chest and once more decided to leave the queue. He once again crouched down next to the same member of security. This time security staff ask him if he is ok and whether he requires a medic. He declines this offer. He also can’t remember this bit occurring.

“His friends then joined him out of the queue. They decided to call an ambulance only to cancel it 15 minutes later having concluded it was not required and he felt better again. With the ambulance cancelled and no sign of the queue moving, they then left and went home.

“It should be noted the asthma attack was self diagnosed but Ed visited Cripps Medical Centre the following day where he saw a nurse. He told me on the phone that his last asthma attack was ten years ago or so and this was the first time it had cropped up since. He claims this was due to him having a very busy day and the cold. Clearly Ed has a lot on right now.”

Andrew believes Ed was “fishing for likes” with the second post on buy/sell two days after the incident. Andy Hoe, who gave the medic tickets to Ocean, also criticised the rant.

The king of Ocean said: “As most people have probably gathered I take a bit of a tongue in cheek approach to most things, especially where Ocean is concerned, I don’t take it too seriously. I regularly comment on stuff about it on buy/sell, usually if I get an original one I end up dishing a few tickets out.

“Ed messaged me last week and I said I’d give him tickets for the night. The photo idea he came up with, and at the time I thought it was quite funny, but to be fair I would probably have been a bit more tongue in cheek with the post and missed out the slight rant which I think didn’t go down so well.”

Messages between Ed and Andy reveal that the former fabricated medical checks outside Ocean to gain further likes, despite being content with Andrew’s handling of the situation.

In one message Ed said: “Yeh to be fair before I completely misquote him he was generally very decent and understanding but I guess it’s his job/in his interest to try and deflect some blame…not gonna let that float tho!”

In another, Ed said: “Sweet. I’m gonna bring my stethoscope for full picture effect – could I leave it with the people in the cloakroom?”

Responding to the second post, Andrew said: “We found his post pretty narcissistic and it lent itself to further discrediting his version of events as he appeared now to only being interested in fishing for likes. Fortunately, the internet responded resoundly with sarcasm and abuse – some of the comments on the post are very funny. So there have we it. What happened? Fuck all really. We all did our jobs. What a boring end.

“I was misquoted by Ed massively by him suggesting I said he should take personal responsibility for having an asthma attack. Obviously no sane person would say that. And definitely not someone who is a fellow asthma sufferer. What I did say was that he could have taken it upon himself to ask the security team member while he was apparently crouched down next to for help. If he or his friends had asked they would have immediately received help.”