Nottingham students consume over 46,000 bars of chocolate in one term
It’s not even Easter yet
More than 46,000 chocolate bars were guzzled by Nottingham students in less than four months.
In a survey conducted by The British Heart Foundation to find out how much chocolate universities consume, UoN ranked 25th out of the 56 that replied, consuming an impressive 17,085 bars last term.
However, on the cusp of upcoming varsity battles, Trent has us beat. Ranking 13th out of 56 and devouring a colossal 29,296 bars between September and December of 2015.
Lecture fuel
Northumbria topped the list with an intake of 82,355 bars as the total across universities tallied at a whopping 1.1 million. As part of its Dechox campaign, The British Heart Foundation are urging students to relinquish their indulgences for the month of March in a bid to raise money in the fight against heart disease.
Health dietician Tracy Parker said: “It seems from these statistics that thousands of students across the country are guilty of having a bit of a sweet tooth. Dump the chunk for one month and it could be a great way to get into better eating habits whilst helping us fund vital research to help the seven million people living with heart and circulatory disease in the UK.”
However Nottingham students seem less than enthused by this prospect. Second year chocolate lover Alice said: “Not a chance. It’s nearly Easter.”
The chocolate of the hour
Kit Kats were the clear favourite of the survey with 78,958 being sold on university campuses over the term. Second year, Lauren, said: “I’m not actually surprised by the figures, uni is hard and chocolate is a better alternative to other things I could think of. To be fair chunky is acceptable but standard Kit Kat isn’t worth anyone’s time.”
Others proving Kit Kat, and other sweet treats, aren’t worth their time reflects in last year’s campaign with more than 19,000 people taking part in Dechox, raising almost £800,000 in the fight against heart disease. If, like third year Maths student Jack, you “suppose I’m up for the challenge” you can find out more or sign up this March.