No Tomorrow 2016 is still unconfirmed

Is No Tomorrow no more?

It is unclear whether the music festival in Nottingham’s Wollaton Park is set to run this year.

No Tomorrow was just a stone’s throw away from University Park has been running for the last two Summers and is Nottingham’s answer to Parklife.

Headlined in its first year by the Sam Smith, Clean Bandit and Nottingham grads, London Grammar, the festival gained major popularity in 2015 and stretched to two days and its lineup included the likes of My Nu Leng, James Bay and Hannah Wants.  

The festival was never officially announced this year and there has been no lineup released and no link to purchase tickets just three months before its supposed date.

However, there is no confirmation on the No Tomorrow website of its cancellation and it still features a link to register to win tickets for this year.

You can still take the survey to win tickets

It is an upsetting prospect for Nottingham students who have loved No Tomorrow from its infancy and who were looking forward to it as an after exam treat.

Third year Biochemistry student, Nikki said: “What’s better than a festival literally on our doorstep purely made up of Notts students in the sun after exams? If it is actually cancelled I will be devastated to say the least.”

There shall be a huge No Tomorrow-sized hole in our hearts this year but I guess see you all at Detonate Festival instead.