BNOC of the Year 2016: Round Two
Keep them coming
“Voting is the most precious right of every citizen, and we have a moral obligation to ensure the integrity of our voting process” – Hillary Clinton
You heard her! Get your votes in below for our second lot of BNOCs.
Georgie Bryant, Sports Rehab, First Year
Reason for being nominated: “Often seen drinking VKs, talking about rugby, experimenting with shit haircuts, or being yelled at by his crazy girlfriend; this Cav fresher fucking knows everyone. He’s a Karni rep, a Crisis rep, and a generic rugby lad.” What more does a BNOC need to be?
Describe this BNOC in 3 words: “I love VKs.”
What’s their most BNOC story? “Getting kicked out of Ocean because he got into a fight with his girlfriend for talking to a girl from his course.” Awww, true love x
Katie Clough, English and Philosophy, Second Year
Reason for being nominated: “She has big boobs and an even bigger personality. When she’s not busy being Challenges Exec on Karni (OMG, she’s on Karni did you know?), she’s busy being a crazy girlfriend or writing for The Tab. Sometimes she combines the two: she wrote an article about being a psycho girlfriend that received over 25,000 views.”
Describe this BNOC in 3 words: “Karni. George. Psycho.”
What’s their most BNOC story? “She ran the Barcelona fucking Marathon without training for it.”
Brad Deas, American Studies and English, Third Year
Reason for being nominated: “He was a Week One rep and Hockey Club social sec, despite not picking up a hockey stick in his life. He received 370 likes for a pic of his Inbetweeners themed dissertation. Famous for his catchphrase “no nibble” and his lack of commitment to both URN and The Tab.”
Describe this BNOC in 3 words: “Dirty Yorkshire nibbler.”
What’s their most BNOC story? There’s a story we received about Brad, about a girl, and about being on all fours – but in the hopes of him one day receiving professional employment, The Tab have decided not to publish it.
Tash Banks, Industrial Economics, Second Year
Reason for being nominated: “She won “person who spends most time in the JCR”, “happiest person” and “loud mouth” awards in first year. She even changed course so she could spend an extra year at uni because she loves Nottingham so much! She lives for Hallward, more for the social side than the work though. You can’t go anywhere with Tash without her stopping to chat, she knows EVERYONE.”
Describe this BNOC in 3 words: “LOUD, POPULAR, GINGER.”
Rob Brewer, Industrial Economics, Second Year
Reason for being nominated: “If it’s happening in Notts, he’s got his hand in it; every club promoter in Nottingham has got his back thanks to his stirling work as Lenton and Wortley Social Sec. He can always be spotted working in Hallward, despite being based on Jubes. His roles as Week One rep, Activities Exec and early evening welcome co-ordinator, mean he knows how to have a good time and he won’t let you forget it. Brewer puts the B in BNOC. Besides, you’ll recognise him from the hair.”
Describe this BNOC in 3 words: “Wine’s a mixer.”
What’s their most BNOC story? “Rob will do anything for 20 chicken nugs.”
Vote below for your second batch of BNOCs:
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