Nottingham is one of the most right-swiped unis on Tinder
We’re a good looking lot
In recent years Tinder has cemented its status as an essential element of university campus life. It’s not surprising, as an app entirely dedicated to hooking up was never got going to feel at home in the hands of university students.
In new data gathered by Tinder, it has been revealed that Nottingham ranks as one of the top UK universities that receives the most right swipes. The list showed that Nottingham’s men ranked 10th in the country for receiving the most likes, and Nottingham’s women ranked 11th; the University of London topped the list on both occasions.
The results mean that Notts can now add aesthetic prestige, as well as academic, to our reputation.
When discussing the results Chloe, a third year English student, told The Tab: “It’s not really surprising that we would do well given the layout of Lenton. When everyone lives only a street away from you it makes everything a lot more easy – and Tinder makes everything accessible through a swipe on your phone.”
1) University of London
2) University of Oxford
3) University of Brighton
4) University of Leeds
5) University of Cardiff
6) University of Sheffield
7) University of Cambridge
8) University of Manchester
9) University of Bristol
10) University of Nottingham
11) University of Edinburgh
12) University of Birmingham
13) University of Liverpool
1) University of London
2) University of Leeds
3) University of Cambridge
4) University of Cardiff
5) University of Bristol
6) University of Sheffield
7) University of Birmingham
8) University of Manchester
9) University of Oxford
10) University of Liverpool
11) University of Nottingham
12) University of Edinburgh
13) University of Brighton