Nottingham named best university for graduate employment
Have that Oxbridge
The University of Nottingham has been rated the best university in the UK for graduate employment, according to The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide for 2017.
We also rose from 25th to 21st place in this years rankings, coming above Kent, Bristol and Manchester.
Look at how employable they are
Vice-chancellor David Greenaway said: “When students choose to go to university, they are making a big investment in their future. I’m thrilled that the Sunday Times has recognised the investment we make, as a University, in ensuring they have the best opportunities, transferable skills, and educational experience to reap the rewards of this while they are here in Nottingham and throughout the rest of their careers.”
Since 2013 a one million pound investment saw the university support graduates in their future endeavours and help those graduates stand out in the job market. The careers service allowed students to get more involved in personal career guidance, application advice and skills development.
Dr Nalayini Thambar, Director of Careers and Employability said: “Our students are excellent. They get involved with co-curricular activities, they take responsibility for shaping their own career, they take part in placement opportunities and they are switched on about what they need to do.”
This term the university is offering 195 skills workshops for students and is also running 17 different careers fairs ranging from Management, Science and Technology to a Media conference.
Alastair McCall, Editor of The Sunday Times Good University Guide, said: “Nottingham graduates are renowned the world over for their intelligence, quality and can-do attitude. This is instilled in them as they progress through the university. It is what makes them so popular with graduate recruiters. Nottingham has also been rated highly by The Times for graduate employment finishing second in the previous rankings.