Why everyone should go on the Nottingham ski trip
Let’s get piste
It’s almost that time of year again when students across the country flock to Europe’s biggest ski resorts for a week of alpine antics and general mountainous mayhem. Here’s why you definitely don’t want to be missing out on yours.
It’s one for the unay bucket list
The university ski trip is a staple of any student’s uni career. It’s an unforgettable week and, chances are, once you’ve been once you won’t be able to stop yourself coming back next year.
It’s big
Nottingham uni took 1200 students skiing last year across both their trips, to two of the biggest resorts in the Alps.
It’s a bit mental
You’ll certainly come back with some amusing stories to tell.
There’s nothing like a bit of fresh air to cure the hangover
You meet loads of new people
It sounds cliché, but it’s true. Whether you’re a fresher or a fourth year, after a week in shared accommodation you’ll be leaving resort on a long coach journey back with a brand new squad.
It’s cheap
Notts’ £389 base price includes a week’s accommodation, ski pass and transport to and from resort. It’s the absolute cheapest way you will ever go skiing – so take your chance now.
Aprés Aprés Aprés!
There’s really nothing quite like partying hard whilst catching some rays at the alps’ most famous slopeside venues. See you at the Folie Douce.
Credit: Lightfoot Media
The in-resort events
Throughout the week, you’ll have a packed social schedule, including freestyle railjams, race events, retro skiwear rental days and a legendary mountain meal (that last one’s definitely not to be missed). Notts’ xmas trip even offers a ski-away day to Les Deux Alpes for free.
Be part of a great club/family
Snowsports clubs tend not just to be the biggest clubs on campus – but also the friendliest and funnest too. Coming on trip is a great way to get involved and join the fam. You won’t regret it!