CRISIS Wednesdays are the best thing about being a student in Nottingham
And if you don’t agree, you’re having a crisis yourself
CRISIS is the UK’s biggest student club night and has taken place since 2008 at Rock City. With 2500+ students attending each week, why would anyone want to be anywhere else on a Wednesday night? Here is a definitive list as to why Crisis Wednesdays really are the be all and end all of being a student in Nottingham:
That terrifying termly ticket release
Who doesn’t love the suspense of refreshing their internet browser continuously on ticket release day until the clock strikes 1pm and your social life for the term ahead depends on how quickly you can click on each different week and pay for each ticket? It involves stress, speed, strategy, and knowing your 16-digit card number off by heart, but once those tickets are yours, there’s probably no better feeling.
The demand on Buy/Sell proves how great Crisis is
I couldn’t count the amount of posts on the Buy and Sell Nottingham Facebook page each Wednesday. Everyone wants to go to CRISIS because it is the best.
Now That’s What I Call Crisis
Try and find me another student night in Nottingham that advertises a different theme each week but still plays the same playlist with the same songs every single time. That’s right, you can’t. Yes, on Disney week there might be some Mickey Mouse ears floating around, or on Valentine’s week a bit more PDA, but when it comes down to it, Crisis never changes its music and I’m not complaining. The last thing someone needs when they’re drunk is to have to work out what song is playing before they start to sing to it; it’s way easier to know already and be one step ahead of the game.
We’re soaring, flying…
…there’s not a star in heaven that we can’t reeeaaach.
However reluctant you are to admit that you love the High School Musical interlude, I know that you do.
Red, blue, green or yellow?
Those devoted Rock City go-ers know exactly what I’m talking about. The famous VK, an award-winning and number one student range of ready to drink beverages. I’m telling you, you haven’t experienced Crisis properly if you haven’t drunk one of these, had one spilt all over you, or tripped over one…
Or done a wee next to one….
And talking of weeing…
Girls, we all know that when you’re rubbing your friend’s back whilst she bends over gagging and you’re telling the other 30 girls in the toilet that she’s about to be sick so you NEED to get to the front of the queue, you’re lying. We’ve all been there and we’ve all done it. Don’t blame you though, who wants to miss a good three songs of precious clubbing time whilst queuing for the toilet?
The famous wall.
We all love a good Instagram after a night out and what’s better than a perfect background for it?
Wait, do Thursdays exist?
I mean really, after a heavy night at Crisis on a Wednesday, who moves from their bedroom on a Thursday? Lectures and seminars definitely come second best to staying in bed, watching movies and eating junk food with a hangover. We work hard enough and deserve a day off, right?
Quietly? Crisis? That’s a juxtaposition if ever I’ve seen one!
With a burger van right outside Rock City, I’m not sure respect is the first thing on people’s minds when they’re leaving. It’s the thought that counts though, hey?