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The SU candidate who wants you to vote for him because he cooked you pancakes

He’s giving out FREE pancakes

Ozan Khan, a third year Chemistry student, is running for Activities and is giving away free pancakes today!

Image may contain: Portrait, Photo, Photography, Man, Room, Indoors, Face, Shelf, Human, Person

Both Ozan and his housemate love pancakes and say they always "have massive bags of pancake mix from Costco sitting in [their] cupboards".

They say that they were always planning to celebrate pancake day by opening up their house to students in Notts to give out free pancakes "and it happened to fall on campaign week so it worked out perfectly to double up as a campaign".

Image may contain: People, Apparel, Clothing, Cake, Face, Dish, Meal, Food, Cream, Creme, Dessert, Person, Human

As he had most of the pancake mix sitting in his cupboard, and lots of toppings in his housemates cupboard, Ozan says that he didn't have to spend any extra money to pull this off.

Image may contain: Appliance, Oven, Dish, Food, Meal, Room, Indoors, Clothing, Apparel, Human, Person

He also says that "the whackiest pancake so far has been whipped cream and strawberry sauce with a Jamie dodger on top", while Ozan himself prefers the classic lemon and sugar topping.

Ozan's manifesto is:

1) Transparency between all student collectives and the SU

2) Open door policy for all students to freely talk with him on feedback, criticism and potential ideas

3) Running more charity based events with societies and clubs

4) Greater number of events for jubilee and Sutton Bonington campus to drive engagement and inclusivity

5) Increase the number of activities that don’t include alcohol to include non drinkers at uni

6) Make a societies tab on the mynottingham app so people can see what societies they can join and what events are running