A definitive A-Z of every Crisis night
Find out what makes ‘Crisis’ feel like a genuine crisis…
Crisis is arguably one of the most popular nights out amongst University of Nottingham students, and if you aren’t on a sports team – its also one of the most exclusive. Tickets can range anywhere between 7 pounds to about 700. So, let’s find out exactly what you’ll be paying for.
A – Angry Bouncers
As much as we love a Crisis night, we all know what dicks the bouncers can be. It’s a usual sight seeing countless upon countless of posts on Buy/Sell in the morning of someone getting too mashed up from some bouncer who has an aggression problem.
B – Buy/Sell
How else can you simultaneously find a ticket, recover your lost earring and get the name of the cute girl in the pea costume who screamed ‘DM me’ from across the bar? Buy/Sell is a god gift from heaven.
C – Cheesy music
Were you really at Crisis if you weren’t belly dancing to ‘Hips Don’t Lie’ by Shakira, the whole track list from Lion King, or the same shitty songs that you used to adore back in year 9?
D – Do you even smoke?
“We are huddled here because we are cold”
Prepare for a ‘stampede’ of non-smokers who go to the crowded smoking area for ‘fresh’ air. Some say the smoking is good, if not better, than Crisis itself. You’ll come for a cheeky chat with your mate, ending up nabbing a ciggy from some random, and find yourself there until 3am. Standard.
E – Eager
Eager for drinks, eager to boogie, AND most commonly – eager for girls… Nobody is more desperate at a Crisis night than an eager boy with balls of confidence.
F – Fancy costumes
Cavewomen really did wear short skirts and fishnets…
Enjoy using your loan to buy new costumes every weekend in the city centre just so you can look cute for pics at pres, and then see them completely demolished by Thursday morning.
G – Grimey
I’ve had to throw away these pants.
The floor smells like something out of a bad dream and acts like a magnet to your dirty af white shoes. All that “yeeting” of VK’s has left the floor like a disgusting, hot, sticky mess.
H – Hangovers
9:00AM Thursday? What’s that?
I – “I swear I’m not drunk”
“Time to take a cute one!”
Not knowing what time it is, where your friends are and why there is vomit on your shoes. And yet, you promise us that you’re NOT drunk!
J – Jagerbombs
Anyone else’s heart rate reaching 270bpm?
K- Knock Out
Crisis is more than a club, it’s a lifestyle choice. And with choosing Crisis, also comes the consequence that the next day you will be a complete knock out. One does not go to Smack on a Wednesday and make all their lectures on a Thursday.
L – Lost
Every friendship group has that one friend with ‘if found, please call _’ plastered on their foreheads.
M – Mirror Seflies
“No I’m not lining up for the toilet, I am just here for a photo”
I spend at least 50% of the night taking photos of myself in the bathroom. #noshame
N – Nine-PM entry
The choice is yours.
O – “OUCH, you fell on me”
Moshpits will be your best and worst nightmare.
P – Pres
Getting drunk at pres so you won’t spend money out, but also using it as an excuse for why you lost 40 quid on jagerbombs.
Q – Queuing
Excuse me, I can’t breathe.
Lining up is all part of the experience.
R – Rugby lads
Don’t go to the small bar upstairs unless you want to be interrogated by some 18 year old with braces.
S – Stairs
Waking up to bruises you didn’t know you had.
Taking the DJ too seriously when he screams ‘get low’, and falling down the staircase.
T – Team sports
If you aren’t in a team sports, you’re pretending you’re in one.
U – Uni of
Hearing the MC shout “if you’re in Univesity of Nottingham, put YOooOoooOo hands uP!!!!!” for the 400th time.
V – VKs
Go hard or go home, fresher!
Proving to everyone you can chug your VK even though nobody actually cares.
W – Wednesdays
Is Wednesday really Wednesday if you aren’t drunk at 8pm, lining up until 10pm, and passed out on the sidewalk at 1am?
X – X-tremely drunk
Well, I didn’t spend 11 pounds on a ticket to stay sober.
Y – Yummy hot dogs and burgers
Grimieset burger in Nottingham, but also one of the best.
I’ve paypaled a stranger so they’d give me 3 pounds for a hot dog. 10/10 recommend.
Z – Zzz
Time for bed… You try think of something better beginning with ‘Z’.