In case you’re bored of your uni mates, here are 10 ways to spice up your video calls!

Disclaimer: these are all best enjoyed with a drink (or ten – after all where do you have to be in the morning?)

As we approach ANOTHER week of social distancing, I am missing my uni friends more than ever and it’s safe to say the standard video calls aren’t sufficing. That being said, here are ten ways you can add something different to your calls. 

Fancy dress 

Set a theme or don’t… have a fancy dress party and if you’re using Zoom you can even chuck on your own virtual background to really bag that Best Costume award. 

Quiz nights 

This can include both pub quizzes, and more personal ones you can make yourself. You could have a quiz master run the whole thing, or each run individual rounds to split the work. Stuck for ideas on how to make it personal?

Give these a go:  Guess that insta post, baby pics, exes round, famous quotes and caption this. 

Life Drawing

Make one of your mates be the model and all have a go at drawing them – nudity is optional. 


Download the app and make fake answers to real trivia questions, answer interesting questions about each other and test just how well you know your friends, or compete to think of the funniest answers. 

Join a livestream

Missing clubbing? All your favourite DJs are playing online sets that you and your mates can join. And if you’re really desperate, jump on Minecraft and have a venture round the Stealth map

Heads up

To do this you will probably have to download Houseparty, which can also provide many hours of fun. Alongside playing heads up, you can play a slightly worse version of Cards Against Humanity, and face off with some trivia rounds. (There is an app from the same creators of Psych! where you can play one of the already existing categories including naming celebrities, singing and trying your hand at accents, or have a go at creating your own category – however good luck playing these on a Zoom call as the words will be flipped!) 

Have a Mario Kart (phone) tournament

The Mario Kart app allows you to add your friends and create a room to race with each other, perfect to do whilst video calling on your laptop. I suggest you turn the volume of your laptop down for this however, as backstabbing and treachery may be involved, leading to some tasteful language you probably don’t want your younger siblings picking up on.

Presentation night 

Each of you choose a stupid, interesting or funny subject, make a powerpoint and present it. Whether it’s on a conspiracy theory or weird things you’ve seen on your daily walk, be sure to impress with your slide animations.  

A funny presentation my friend made about pregnant dogs

Netflix Party 

Watch an episode or film together in sync using this Chrome extension, with a built in chat to make things even more exciting. Whilst it’s probably not the best idea to call during this, you could always have a quick Facetime after the film is over to truly get that cinematic experience. 

Cards Against Humanity Online

The next best thing available right now! You could play this on the Houseparty app, however there are much better options available online that give you an (almost) life like experience.