Nottingham Fire Brigade called to Radford as locals target student homes with fireworks

‘They just wanted to create chaos’


Nottingham Fire Brigade were called to Burns Street in Radford, on the evening of Thursday 5th November, as a group of locals started aiming fireworks and sparklers at student houses.

Five local men were spotted on the road wearing masks, before they starting running along the street firing rockets in all directions, trying to instigate a fireworks war.

Students and onlookers watched in fear as chaos erupted and the front bins of a student’s porch caught fire.

Nottingham Trent student Beth Redfern says that her house were doing their own fireworks as the men approached and started running up their lawn. She told The Nottingham Tab: “As soon as we saw them we ran inside. It was so scary, it looked like they were trying to hit us.

“As we watched from the window we noticed that the bins of the house opposite of us had caught fire, so we called 999.”

Shortly after, she says, Nottinghamshire police and fire brigade arrived at the scene, telling everyone to go inside whilst they tried to sort out the situation.

According to Beth, the locals had taken it “too far” and ran off as soon as they heard the sirens approaching.

Fortunately, the fire was put out safely and no residents were harmed. Beth said: “I was so scared our house would get damaged or one of us get hurt, but luckily everyone’s fine. They just wanted to create chaos – and they succeeded.”