These are the best Notts Uni meme pages to see you through Tier 3
Ahhhh, meme pages. Love them or hate them, they’re everywhere on social media. But what’s better than your average niche meme page? A UoN related meme page. From Gemma Collins to sleeping students, we’re all for it. So here’s our top picks for which Notts Instagram meme pages you need to be following to get you through Tier 3.
A cheeky post-sesh nap with the classic chunder bucket next to them, versus napping in Hallward library, @uon_dreamstream are most definitely up there with our top meme pages.
Don’t we all just love spying on our friends when they’re napping? And what’s better is total strangers in random locations on campus. So next time you’re out on the sesh, make sure you don’t end up blackout drunk next to the toilet or you might see yourself featured…
‘I’m claustrophobic Darren!’
The GC like we’ve never seen her before: UoN style.
Complaining about crisis? Tired of online lectures? Just can’t be bothered to do that long walk from Lenton to campus? Gemma Collins has us covered with her incredible dramatic reactions to just about any situation. This page has beautifully narrowed down her best moments to suit UoN related scenarios. We can hear her shouting “do you know what I mean?” already.
Picture this. You’re walking around on campus and suddenly out the corner of your eye you notice someone wearing flares, a north face puffer jacket, complaining about how “daddy won’t pay for the Easter ski trip.” That’s an overheard UoN.
Whether you hear something funny, something a bit stupid, or even better, Notts related, @overhearduon collect the very best comments from around campus for our enjoyment.
Ever seen a sketch on a desk in Hallward right next to a piece of old chewing gum, taken a sneaky snap and sent it to you group chat with the caption ‘alright who wrote this?’
@hallwardthoughts is an elite archive of the very best artwork, capturing the epitome of sophisticated students clearly hard at work in this picturesque library.
A safe place for students to express their dismay at online lectures is well needed, and that’s where @confessuon comes in.
From love affairs to baiting out your mates for not cleaning the kitchen properly, @confessuon takes completely anonymous submissions from UoN students, allowing them to rant, vent, or even confess their love for a course mate.