A definitive ranking of the best places to study on UoN campus
This one goes out to all my revision nerds (and final years)
Have you ever wondered ‘where is the best study spot in Notts?’. Well, as someone who revises in different locations all the time, I thought it was only fair that I’d share what some of the best revision spots in Notts are saying.
I trialled both the standard and slightly more rogue study locations, and here they are: tried, tested and ranked so you don’t have to.
Monica Partridge Building- 6/10
So… the Monica Partridge Building (formally known as the Teaching and Learning Building), was my favourite building for the whole of first year. However, looking back, I wonder what kind of spell T&L had on me.
Yes, it’s lovely to look at and, yes, there were a variety of study sports within this building which don’t require prior bookings. However, nowadays in order to get a seat that you truly want, you have to get there the minute the sun rises. Plus, half the tables do not even have charging spots. Big L.
Welcome Zone- 8/10
If you’re unable to find a charging spot at the Monica Partridge Building, you might ask yourself ‘what do I do now?’. I always say I’d rather eat a sock than subject myself to the soulless atrocity that is Hallward Library, so the next option of places to go is the Welcome Zone which is located in the Portland building.
Now whilst I wouldn’t say that the Welcome Zone is amazing, because some of the seats are awkward heights, it is a lot more relaxed, has better access to charging spots, you don’t have to book it and you can easily talk without feeling like a nuisance which is perfect for group study and online Tutorials.
Djangoly- 8/10
I can’t lie, it’s a bit dated and can be a bit chilly at times. But, the tables are large enough for any project, with access to multiple charging spots at every table. Also what I love about this building is that you can hear the waves from the River in the distance and the echoing of birds, a very calming backdrop when working under tight deadlines!
Jubilee Business Library- 7.5/10
Unlike Djangoly, the business library is much, much, MUCH warmer! Dare I say it maybe even too warm. During winter this is perfect however, I’m not sure if during summer going here will feel like torture (I guess I’ll just have to wait and see).
Also I deducted 1/2 mark because sometimes the birds and the ducks sit very close to the building and for some people (or maybe just me) the squawking can be quite distracting.
Room A36, Portland Building, UP- 9/10
My friends begged me not to talk about this beauty, but here I am.
Located on the bottom-most floor of the Portland building – a section where the majority of Notts students will never bother to go to unless going to Mooch, is room A36.
Now whilst this room doesn’t look anymore special than any other room, I must point out that you can have up to eight people in this room (which during Corona times is near impossible), there is a pantry with hot boiling water that you can make your tea with (or Pot Noodle), and the surrounding area is silent, making it the perfect place for group/ bubble study!
If I’m going to be honest, I ‘m not sure if people are actually allowed in this room but it’s always unlocked so I guess it’s fair game.
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