Extinction Rebellion protestors block Nottingham roads
Some have now been removed
At 11 am, activists from Extinction Rebellion blocked four roads around Nottingham in protest of inaction to tackle the climate crisis.
At least one protestor has now been removed from the road by the police. Meanwhile, a Notts student has joined a protestor in support near Old Market Square.
The group argue such disruptive action is necessary due to the severe threat of climate change, however, say they are also sorry for any inconvenience caused.

“I am terrified for my children because of the climate crisis.”
The group has blocked four roads, including near Old Market Square and Theatre Royal. Each is wearing a sign around their neck to highlight and stress the importance of tackling climate change.
Speaking to Nottinghamshire Live, Tracy Neale (pictured above) said: “I’m a mother of three and a new grandma of two babies born in lockdown, and I’m scared to death of what their future holds.
“I feel my generation is responsible for so much thoughtless destruction of nature, pollution, waste, over-consumption and plundering of resources. Maybe we weren’t aware of the consequences but we no longer have that excuse and I feel a personal responsibility to try to put some of this right.”
They have apologised for blocking the roads, but say that they feel that such action is necessary and justified given the threat of the climate crisis.
It appears that many students agree with this claim. Polling from The Tab Notts suggests over 40% of our readers believe the group have a point. One Notts student (pictured above) joined a protestor on the street in solidarity.
The police have responded to the road blockers and have begun removing them from their positions in the street. A video of one of the protestors being removed from the scene by police can be found below. (Video credit: Dan Huq)
A spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion told Nottinghamshire Live: “Risking their lives, Pippa MacKeith a retired midwife, Jack Horner, Business Analyst, Picture-framer Tracy Neale, and Senior Animator Bertram Kemmler, stopped traffic in the town centre, West Bridgford and Mapperley.”
This development comes amid widespread national action from the climate activist group Extinction Rebellion over the last year, where windows of HSBC have been smashed and a Cambridge college lawn dug up.
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