Come to Bridge this Thursday!

And you could win a Tab column!

This Thursday the partnership the whole university is waiting for – FOMOinOxford and The Tab – are bringing you a night of extravagance and raucousness.

Essentially it’s just another Thursday at Bridge, but the whole Tab team will be there, and there is an exciting COMPETITION to enter.

Look how insane Bridge is!

A Tab writer will be going round with a clipboard taking people’s names, from which we’ll then randomly pick one lucky winner to write a column for the Tab in the coming weeks.

These people may or may not be attending.

This means you could be sending your thoughts to thousands of other Oxford students every day about anything you like – as long as it’s not libelous or too obscene.

Come along if you want to pitch ideas to any of our News, Features, Opinion, Fashion, Sport & Culture editors, to talk about the Tab or simply make some friends.

These nutters will almost certainly be in VIP.

Alternatively get involved in writing for the Tab by simply emailing – but it’d be much more fun to chat over a Jaegerbomb.