Godfrey Bloom: What Really Happened
Godfrey Bloom writes EXCLUSIVELY for the Tab about the events at last week’s Union debate and life as a contrarian
As the Tab reported yesterday, Godfrey Bloom MEP has come under fire from students after he was accused of mocking one Mertonian’s disability during a debate at the Union. Now Godfrey, writing exclusively for the Tab, is hitting back against the enemies of commonsense.
May I first thank you and [The Oxford Union’s] Committee for such an excellent dinner and wonderful post debate party, one of the best I have been to so far.
I exchanged ideas with historians, economists, chemists, lawyers and classicists. I was awed at the sheer numbers that turned out in the hall, a clear demonstration of the ongoing strength of the Union.
“I was awed at the sheer numbers that turned out in the hall..”
For those of you considering politics or journalism you have seen play out at first hand the heavy cross born by the anti establishment classical liberal libertarian. Both the left and right live in fear of such a fellow especially when he sits as an independent. It will not have escaped your notice I was the only speaker who was on the receiving end of personal jibes.
Because my speech was basic commonsense and non controversial it had to get personal. I take no exception in the introductions of course, part of the sport. The key label these days is ‘offensive’. When arguments cannot be refuted, and much worse are anti establishment and popular, personal vilification is the only option.
Bloom with disabled student and Union debater David Browne
I have written thousands of words on libertarianism over the years and made hundreds of speeches. The trick they employ is to take one half a sentence out of context, re-phrase or paraphrase and claim it to be ‘offensive’. Whenever you ask ‘to whom?’ names are never forthcoming. The establishment is ‘offended’ always by proxy. Can I be offended? Not allowed in the rules of the game. Me, my family and supporters can always be abused but we are not allowed the ‘offended’ card. This Queen of Spades is held only by the ‘bank’.
My father was a decorated RAF fighter pilot in the war and enjoyed modest success in the City for 30 years afterwards. He was quite a senior local government Conservative, as was my grandfather. To pander to Daily Telegraph readers supposed prejudice William Langley referred to him as ‘a Lewisham, gas fitter!’ I appeared on ‘Have I Got News For You’ and was compared to the old, bald cartoon character in the Wonga advert. Did I take offence? Of course not.
“I appeared on “Have I got News for You”, and was compared to the old, bald cartoon character in the Wonga advert. Did I take offence? Of course not.”
I have no idea why Michael Crick of Channel 4 is obsessed with me, or how he steered the rather young, naive and gullible scribbler from the Spectator to his cause. I suppose it reflects the Spectator’s status now as little more than a Conservative party leaflet.
As a paid up member of the Richard III society and therefore totally familiar with his portraits I was not alone in seeing a resemblance in the estimable David Browne who I suspect will make his mark in the law, I certainly wish him well.
Richard III and “the estimable David Browne”
I will make one apology, my first in 10 years of politics, I am genuinely sorry I could not accept his kind invitation and indeed the rest of you, to continue the party at ‘The Bridge’. One o’clock in the morning is quite enough for this old geezer.
Kind regards,
P.S. Why not keep a spare dinner jacket and black tie for those speakers who are fiscally challenged?
Godfrey Bloom became UKIP’s first ever MEP after he was elected to the Yorkshire and Humber seat in 2004. In September 2013, in response to a series of gaffes, UKIP withdrew the whip. He continues to serve as an Independent MEP for Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire.