Huge protests outside Union as Marine Le Pen defends free speech

Union members in the chamber were told it was not safe to leave

The Union faced huge protests this evening as hundreds gathered to express their anger with them for hosting French politician Marine Le Pen.

Police turned out in force, dealing with balaclava-clad activists who tried to break into the Union complex.

Le Pen’s speech, which focussed on the importance of free speech, was delayed by almost an hour because of the threat posed by protestors outside.

Union members in the chamber were told it was not safe to leave.

And there to escort Le Pen out afterwards was a huge police force consisting of multiple vans and a blockade across Cornmarket Street.

A student at the event said: “I think I saw five vans, and police were standing side by side blocking the street. I tried to stand to the side and watch but they moved me along really quickly.

“I saw at least 20 policemen in total, both inside and outside the Union. It looked like Le Pen left in one of the vans.”

There were also reports of an anti-protest protest – a group of activists defending the Union’s right to host speakers like Le Pen.

The bulk of the crowd was made up of members from Unite Against Fascism, a non-student related group that started chants like “Oxford Union, shame on you”, “le Pen, never again” and “Nazi scum, here we come”.

Protestors did reportedly breach the Union gates at one point. It is unknown whether anyone was hurt or charges were pressed.