The dummies’ guide to the SURHUL elections
Those people that you’ve seen standing by the Windsor building, giving out stickers, shouting at randomers and occasionally stalking people till they listen, are trying to win your vote
Believe it or not, there’s more to the SU than an ‘Escape’ night!
Admittedly, I had no idea of any of this, until about 3 weeks ago when I was asked by a friend to be on his campaign team, and I’ve been sucked into it all ever since. And I’m sure I’m not the only one.
You can find all the candidates running on the SURHUL website, but here is a breakdown of the candidates and the positions everyone has been talking about (if you don’t really have a clue).
PRESIDENT (Education & Campaigns)
The job here is simple – to represent Roho students. They are also responsible for the “democracy and governance, finance, staffing, strategic development and commercial services.”
Balraj Singh Dhanda
Emma Peagam
Promise Ekoriko
Sam Jones
Co-President (Welfare & Diversity)
This role would make the candidate responsible for the welfare of every student on campus. Their role is to listen and help you with any problem you might have. They will also engage the union with the local community.
Tom Crickmore
Sidonie Bertrand-Shelton
Co-President (Societies & Media)
Not only will this candidate have to facilitate and support the societies and media forums on campus, but they must also ensure that the work of the Union is communicated.
Brianna Middleton MacPherson
Harry Angers
Co-President (Sports & Development)
The position that has had all the attention due to a certain little Thrift Shop parody. This role requires an awareness of the sporting culture at Roho, as well as ways it can be improved upon.
Amarbeer Singh Gill
Jason Michalski
And he’s been stealing the nation’s heart with his rendition of Thrift Shop:
So there we have a few of the candidates running for the 2014 elections.
Voting started last night at 23:59, and is open for 24 hours ONLY.
Who will you be voting for?