Knifepoint robbery at Egham station
Students terrified after robbery so close to campus
A man was left “badly shaken” after a knife-point robbery near Egham station.
Two teenagers are due to answer bail after the 31-year old man had his wallet and phone stolen from him as he walked through the park next to the station.
He was left terrified after being approached and threatened by two men described as “Arabic looking”, according to GetSurrey.co.uk.
Egham station
Allegedly, the two criminals in question ran up closely to the man and insisted he hand over his wallet.
The main offender then brandished a knife in an attempt to get the man’s mobile phone.
The two men were seen to have fled the scene in the direction of Egham’s railway station.
Jon Brushneen, Investigating Officer Dectective Constable, said: “I am appealing to anyone who may have seen or heard the incident or have been in the vicinity last evening around 9pm to contact us as a matter of urgency.”
The knife-carrying offender was described as being in his late teens and around 5ft 7ins in height.
Royal Holloway’s campus is the safest in London
His associate could only be described as wearing green clothing and also of Arabic descent.
The Investigating Officer Detective Constable said: “In this instance, although the young man was unharmed, he has been left badly shaken by the ordeal and greatly inconvenienced by the fact that he has lost personal credit cards, money and his mobile phone.”
According to the complete university guide, Royal Holloway’s University Campus is the safest in London, and among the top twenty in the UK.
Milana Surdjona, a student that has commuted throughout her undergraduate degree, said: “It makes me more alert when travelling to and from London, even though the city is where there is an assumed higher risk of such crimes. It is worrying that crimes so frightening occur in such scenic areas such as Egham.”
The two teenagers are due to answer bail on Wednesday October 8.