Someone may have set off a stinkbomb in the SU on Wednesday night

‘It couldn’t have been just the normal SU scent’

Things got smelly at the SU on Wedneday night as someone may have set off a stinkbomb before Chipmunk’s set.

According to partygoers, the smell was more powerful than we can possibly imagine.

Third year Management student and well known SU enthusiast, Laith Luay told the Tab: “It wasn’t a people smell. It was more than that. There’s no guarantee it was a stinkbomb, but I think it was – I couldn’t stay in the main room.”

Apparently, a security guard agreed that it seemed the smell could only have come from a stinkbomb. Laith told us: “I spoke to security and he agreed with me because it was that unbearable it couldn’t have just been the normal SU scent.”

Third year Criminology and Psychology student Liv Allan was horrified at the idea of a stinkbomb in the SU. She said: “I think it’s disgusting in 2016, university students all over the age of 18 are immature enough to let off a stink bomb. Shame on you if it’s true.”