Image may contain: Architecture, Building, Denim, Jeans, Man, River, Pants, Smile, Outdoors, Nature, Water, Face, Jacket, Coat, Apparel, Clothing, Person, Human

Vote for Royal Holloway’s BNOC 2019: The final

Who’s gonna come out on top?

It’s time to vote one last time for your favourite campus celebrity. Who is it gonna be, Aadam or Jack? You decide. Also, don’t forget to check out the Tab Royal Holloway’s Instagram for more juicy information about our BNOC finalists.

Aadam Ahmed, Politics of Development, postgraduate

Image may contain: Portrait, Photography, Photo, Man, Clothing, Apparel, Face, Person, Human

“It is unfortunate that to get to this final I had to slay the mighty Tom Swole – VK and my condolences to my fallen brother, a true lord of the game. Jack is a top lad, met him in the hospital so let’s hope this battle is bloodless. If I win I’ll unite the BNOC and Bachelor crowns for the first time ever.”

Jack Colman, English and Drama, third year

Image may contain: Photo, Photography, Portrait, Arched, Arch, Face, Railing, Jeans, Denim, Path, Bridge, Architecture, Nature, Water, Building, Boat, Vehicle, Transportation, Outdoors, Person, Human, Pants, Jacket, Coat, Apparel, Clothing

“To get here we have seen the greats fall. YouTube sensations, Secret Admirers Enthusiasts and Gym Lords and now the final between The Gracious and Almighty Aadam and me. Two brothers but only one shall emerge victorious. Regardless of the outcome Pimms and red VK for all. If I win I’ll get a little more battered than usual and take a photo with Aadam to prove we are still pals.”

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