‘Water bottle policy’ top of new SU referenda

Vote carefully in today’s three referenda, some massive issues are at stake

In ‘The Big Decision’ vote, students are being invited to have their say on some massively important University issues.

The Union’s bottled water policy is among one of the three life-changing votes up for decision.

The polls are open

The triple header of referenda are all sure to have devastatingly significant effect on your student existence:

  • Whether or not we should sell bottled water
  • What roles our Officer team should hold
  • Whether Working Committees should be allowed to charge membership fees.

In a series of referenda where bottled water is the highlight, the name ‘The Big Decision’ seems a bit OTT.

An ironically small leaflet for such a ‘big’ decision.

Whatever the outcome, if you want bottled water and can’t get it at the SU, the number of shops within a two minute walk of ‘Our Shop’ that do sell bottled water is in double figures.

At least we can look forward to the ‘results party’ though. At 6pm on a Thursday. In the Raynor Lounge. Definitely a legendary SU event to mark in your Filofax.