Meet the first year power couples
It’s true they exist
Have you given up on love? Feel like you’re never going to find bae? Is the idea of “the one” no more than a futile dream for you?
Pull yourself together. These freshers show us love at uni can be done.
Emma and Joe are the sweethearts of the first year Biomedical Science course. In lectures they can be spotted gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes and only very rarely you will see one without the other.
It all started just like every Shakespearean love story, at the first BMS social bar crawl. After a couple of drinks, and Joe having the word “balls” written on his forehead, Emma knew she could no longer resist this handsome young scientist. Plug really is where dreams come true.
On asking what the couple’s plans on Valentine’s Day are, they simply giggled and answered that they didn’t make any plans, as “being in each other’s company is more than enough to make them happy.” They both agreed their secret to success was “sex- a lot of very good sex.”
Jemma, Biomedical Scientists
Meet the super athletic power couple “Izziam”. The two runners met as any athletic couple does, on a Decathlon sports social, which involves ten boozy disciplines. Izzy charmed Liam with her extraordinary boat race challenge skills, whilst Liam wooed Izzy with his “super toned runner’s body”.
Izzy said: “We don’t remember getting with one another that night, but I did have to pretend to be on a morning run, as I left Endcliffe the next morning in my sports gear” Classic.
As quickly as it started, they soon became inseparable. Liam’s flatmates have now fully accepted her as part of their household, and are no longer surprised to see hovering round their bathroom of a morning.
For Valentine’s Day the couple have decided to have a fittingly sporty outing in the Peak District, and watch Fifty Shades of Grey in the cinema.
Izziam at Roar
Elly and Chris- better known as “Crelly” to their friends are another Biomedical Science love story. After speaking over social media sites and their course Facebook page over the summer, both of them had set eyes on one another before even moving to uni.
After meeting in person in Freshers’ week, it came as no shock that the spark ignited. After taking a drunken friend home early one night, the spark turned into a flame as they continued drinking vodka shots and star-gazing in Ranmoor Village, before heading back to Plug. There the flame evolved into fireworks as they danced and frolicked until the early hours.
Elly doesn’t only credit Chris for good looks and how sweet he is, but also marvels at his “bacon-making skills” and “how good he looks in an army uniform”. Asking Chris what his plans are for “Crelly” on V-Day: “That is a secret, but it is all planned and truly very romantic.”
Crelly on a playdate