Sheffield medic says she would be ‘better off working at Mcdonalds’
She says new contracts would be ‘detrimental to patient safety’
Lianne Sellors, a final year Medic, has claimed she would be better off keeping her job at McDonalds than becoming a doctor after the introduction of new legislation.
Her dramatic claim came in the wake of government plans to impose new contracts on all doctors below consultant level from next year onwards.
The new contracts include changes to the hours junior doctors are expected to work, meaning they must now practice until 10pm every evening, and include Saturdays as part of their working week.
There has been uproar amongst medics about the fact that they will not be paid extra for the anti-social hours they will be working, meaning they face up to a 30 per cent pay cut as a result of the changes.
Lianne is a final year medic
Lianne Sellors has worked in McDonalds since she was 16 to fund her medical degree.
Just two weeks ago, thousands of medical students protested outside the houses of parliament, attempting to urge health secretary Jeremy Hunt to change his plans for junior doctors.
Whilst she couldn’t be at the protests due to work, Lianne took to Facebook to express her outrage writing: “Today over 15,000 junior doctors, nurses and other NHS staff will be protesting against Jeremy Hunt’s proposed contract.
“I would love to be with them. However, I’m working. Not on-call like many others, but at McDonalds.
“Having worked here for over 8 years to fund my studies as a student doctor I am hugely angry and disappointed at what lies ahead.
“The new contract is not fair (I’d be better off staying at McDonalds), and it’s NOT SAFE.”
Her post was quick to go viral online.
Protests took place on October 17th in London
Sellors claims that it is not the long hours that worry her, but the mistakes that could be made as a consequence. She told The Tab: “The main thing that worries me about the new contracts is the effect it may have on patient safety.
“Hunt’s contract threatens to remove the safeguards that prevent hospitals from over-working doctors, this may leave us exhausted and in danger of making mistakes that could impact our patients.
“During my time working at McDonalds I have occasionally worked 70 – 90 hours weeks whilst not at University. They have left me emotionally drained and physically exhausted. McDonalds is actually a very tough job, and during times when I have been tired, I have made mistakes.
“So when I say I would be “better off” staying at McDonalds, I mean that I would rather be at risk of putting the wrong sauce on a burger, than putting a patient’s care and safety at risk due to tiredness.”