BNOC of the year Caitlin gives you her top sex tips
Spice up your life
A lot of people who have been in long term relationships know sex doesn’t happen every day of the month, and sometimes there can be times when your sex life is as dry as the Sahara desert.
You ask yourself things like “is it me?”, “does she think I’m ugly?” and think “this wasn’t what happened at the start”, but it’s not the end of your sex life. We are going to bring you some Winter Spice to put the heat back into your nights with bae.
She knows
Make the first move
The floor
Work the floor
Tidy up
Mix up your mix tapes
If you’re about to put on your usual playlist that consists of the same old top 40 songs, please. Just stop. If you’re a big fan of a specific genre, change it up. Put something on you wouldn’t normally, or let it randomise so you don’t know whats coming. Spotify is great for doing this, especially for deep house mixes, chill out R&B or some dirty rap if you’re stuck for fresh ideas.
Make time
Wake up hun
Werk it
Body confidence is key in the bedroom. If you show how sassy and sexy you feel, you’re both far more likely to have a good time. Be as loud as possible too. If you live with housemates, flat mates, hall mates, whoever, forget they’re in and make the room explode. There’s nothing less attractive than caring about what anyone else has to think. Let everybody know how good you feel.
Confidence is key
Keep fit
Resist the urge
Last but not least, it’s about mindset. Think less Netflix and chill, more rough and ready to drill.