Have Sheffield Sabres got the best Movembers on campus?

In a word, no

Our very own American football team, the Sabres are raising money to support the Movember foundation this month.

This year, the Sheffield Sabres have jumped on board the phenomenon that is Movember for the 5th year running. For the past 4 years, the Sabres have raised on average £2000 a year. Our Sabres intend to raise as much money as possible to support the fantastic work the Movember foundation does.

Movember aims to change men’s health by raising awareness and educating men, focussing on Prostate and Testicular cancer and mental health and physical inactivity.

Being a uni sports team, the Sabres aren’t ones to shy away from competition – the boys are adding their own incentives to raise as much cash as possible.

The duck face isn’t dead

One player, Dan Rosson, has promised that if he raises £250 he’ll “keep the tasche until Christmas” Over half way through his fundraising target already, he’s well on his way to keeping the patented 70’s german porn star look for another month.

Dan confessed to our shock that he has got no extra action with the ladies since growing the tache, but admits his general chirpse game is very poor anyway.

Day 12 of Grow the Mo

When asked why he got involved, Dan told The Tab: “This year the whole American Football team were doing it so thought I’d give it another go. It’s a fantastic way of spreading awareness as a mo is very visible. It gets men young and old to check themselves for various cancers and donations aren’t the only thing that count.”

Fellow Sabre Tomas Jennings hasn’t been as lucky at growing the mo. He’s been aiming for the musketeer look with a classic moustache along with a cute stripe down the centre of his chin. Tomas confesses that this is the first time he’s tried to grow facial hair and his main issue is his paleness.

“Since I’m ginger it comes out a sort of blonde colour, making it really faint. But I’m keeping it going to get to where I want to be.”


It’s fair to say that some peoples attempts at a fabulous moustache are better than others, with facial growth coming more naturally to some members of the squad.

Here’s the best of the rest:



More eyebrows than tache