The SU is honestly the best night out in Sheffield
Don’t fight it
Our Students’ Union is famed across the country from the Tuesday Club pulling in some of the worlds biggest DJs to the nostalgic euphoria of pop tarts, it begs the question why would you go anywhere else?
The calibre of the nights out is just one of the things that makes Sheffield’s students union the UK’s number one. The spiritual home of many of Sheffield’s best shufflers, the Tuesday Club is world renowned for hosting the best acts in underground electronic music weekly. Hold onto your bucket hats honeys. Not a one trick pony in any way, the SU also boasts the infamous Pop Tarts, for which you will have to get a ticket at least a week in advance or face offering up your first born on the Freshers’ page in a bid to get your hands on one.
Not only is the night a winner, you will see everyone you have ever met in the union at one time or another. Whether it is the person from that seminar in first term or another load of your closest pals, it doesn’t matter who you’ve gone with because everyones thrown together in the hallowed halls of the SU. What more could you ask for than to be able to throw questionable shapes while waving at all your mates?
In the same way, the SU’s smoking area is unparalleled in bringing chatting people together, with friendships formed in the smoking area forging lasting friendships over shared lighters and drunken snaps.
Look how happy they are
The idea of eliminating some the rogue and questionable characters on a night out is achieved in the SU. That older man you can’t get rid of? The more mature woman who won’t stop reciting lyrics an inch from your face? Don’t worry they haven’t got U Cards, they’re consigned to West Street and the other haunts that Sheffield nightlife has to offer. The SU is full of like-minded students enjoying a night out. Yet another win for the SU.
None of this
Walking distance, or lack thereof is another element that tips the scale in favour of the SU compared to any other night out. Gone is the worry that you’ll have to scramble to down your altogether too strong drink as the taxi arrives: take it with you on your stroll to the mothership.
Similarly on the way back you can grab a pastry from the kiosk in the Union and saunter home in a happy drunken haze, where after Corp people are dismembering each other to get a taxi. Just to top it off the money saved on not getting taxis means you can have another cheeky VK, you’re welcome.
Own it
The rogue element that is Bar One pres is another asset of the Students Union. Yet again, the host of familiar faces makes it a lively and sometimes raucous place to continue drinking before even setting foot pon de club. The gateway before many a dancing-filled night, to use the main entrance and miss out on this fun would be daft to say the least.
Forget anywhere else, the Union is our spiritual home.